Friday, 24 December 2010

The naughty animals pictures

We know that nature takes care of the extension and preservation of species, but these pictures tell us that is natural and normal. I conclude that these animals incredibly reminiscent of the man on the issue of sexual relations.

Thursday, 23 December 2010

Amazing Hybrid Animals

Blood parrot = Midas Cichlid + Red Devil fish


The Blood parrot (also known as bloody parrot and blood parrotfish) is a hybrid cichlid. The fish was first created in Taiwan in around 1986. Its parentage is unknown, but the most commonly speculated pairings are midas cichlid with the redhead cichlid. This hybrid cichlid has various anatomical deformities, one of the most obvious, and also deadly, deformities is its mouth, which only has very narrow vertical opening. This makes blood parrot very hard to feed. Many die eventually because of this. Cichlid enthusiasts have called for their removal from the market and organized boycotts against pet stores that sell them.


Hybrid Pheasant = Golden + Amherst Pheasant


The Golden Pheasant has commonly been crossed with the similar Lady Amherst's Pheasant. The result is a hybrid with distinguished colours from its parents.


Toast of Botswana = Sheep + Goat


An unusual case of a sheep-goat hybrid was reported by veterinarians in Botswana in 2000, called the "Toast of Botswana". The animal was born naturally from the mating of a female goat with a male sheep that were kept together.
The hybrid was intermediate between the two parent species in type. It had a coarse outer coat, a woolly inner coat, long goat-like legs and a heavy sheep-like body. Although infertile, the hybrid had a very active libido, mounting both ewes and does when they were not in heat. This earned the hybrid the name Bemya or rapist. He was castrated when he was 10 months old because he was becoming a nuisance.


Grizzly Polar = Polar Bear + Brown Bear


Also known as Grolar Bear, this bear hybrid is a rare ursid hybrid that has occurred both in captivity and in the wild. In 2006, the occurrence of this hybrid in nature was confirmed by testing the DNA of a strange-looking bear that had been shot on Banks Island in the Canadian arctic.
A number of polar bear hybrids are described as Ursid hybrids, a term that designates any hybrid of two species within the Ursidae family. Polar bear hybrids with Grizzly bears have been reported and shot, but DNA techniques were not available to verify the bears' ancestry.


Cama = Camel + Llama


This hybrid animal, tis he product of breeding a llama and a camel, has been the only creature of this kind since her birth in 1995. Camas are humpless and have the long fluffy coat of a llama. Their ears are half way in length between camels and llamas, but they have the strong, desert-ready legs of a camel.


Beefalo = Buffalo + Cow


What will you get when you cross a cow with a buffalo? The Beefalo, a hybrid animal that produces red meat lower in fat and cholesterol than beef. Most consumers have never heard of beefalo, let alone tasted it, and only a few Seattle grocery stores carry it.


Zebroid = Zebra + Equine


A zebroid (also zebra mule and zebrule) is the offspring of any cross between a zebra and any other equine: essentially, a zebra hybrid. In most cases, the sire is a zebra stallion. Offspring of a donkey sire and zebra mare, called a zebra hinny, do exist but are rare. Zebroids have been bred since the 19th century. The zebroid showed in the picture above, Eclyse, is a very unusual one, because of her coloring. With her über distinct makings, it's really hard not think she's a Photoshop mock-up.


Savannah = Serval + Domestic Cat


The Savannah Cat is created by breeding an African Wild Cat, called a Serval and a domestic cat, usually an exotic looking domestic cat such as a Bengal, Oriental Shorthair, Egyptian Mau, or a Serengeti's. The offspring created by this combination are large domestic.


Leopon = Leopard + Lion


The Leopon is the result of breeding a male leopard with a female lion. The head of the animal is similar to that of a lion while the rest of the body carries similarities to leopards. The first documented leopon was bred at Kolhapur, India in 1910.


Liger = Lion + Tiger


The liger is a hybrid cross between a male Panthera leo (lion), and a female Panthera tigris (Tiger) and is denoted scientifically as Panthera tigris × Panthera leo. A liger resembles a giant lion with diffused stripes. They are the largest cats in the world, although the Siberian Tiger is the largest pure sub-species. Like tigers, but unlike lions, ligers enjoy swimming. A similar hybrid, the offspring of a male tiger and a female lion is called a tigon.

Monday, 22 November 2010

Microsoft Windows celebrates 25th anniversary

California - It's 25 years since Microsoft first launched Windows 1.0. The most popular OS around the world until this time have undergone many changes. Windows 8 is expected to be out within two years.

When first released, Windows is not an OS that fully operational. Windows when it was more to the graphical user interface (GUI) that operates on top of DOS. Bill Gates, chairman of Microsoft launched Windows 1.0 was first launched in 1985 with a price of $99.

Gates said at the time of Windows as a software 'unique' that will provide power for users and is a foundation for the development of hardware and software for the next few years. Similarly, as quoted by Mashable, Monday (11/22/2010).

It appears that the opinion of Gates on Windows that will be the foundation of the future for personal computers (PCs) in 1985 was true. Windows now has been transformed into an OS that dominated the world for two decades.

Even so, the future of OS is also questionable given, while the current is going the process of transition from PC to mobile and tablet devices. But not a few observers who believe if Windows will be able to survive until 25 years into the future.

Microsoft Windows was first released on November 20, 1985.

Sunday, 21 November 2010

RockMelt, the new social networking browser

RockMelt browser is made for online activity in social networking, combining information on Facebook, Google, Twitter, and other favorite websites into a single page. This Browser is created by Marc Andreessen, the creator of Netscape.

CALIFORNIA- Does the world need a new browser again? Tim Howes and Eric Vishria think so. It is one reason why two years ago they started RockMelt, gets donation from financial organisations and Andreessen Horowitz employs a few people to help work on browser. The result is RockMelt finally launched and already available in beta version.

This is a brave moving by Tim Howes and Eric Vishria. They entered the market browsers which is dominated by Microsoft (Internet Explorer), Google (Google chrome), Mozilla (Firefox) and Apple (Safari). Tim Howes and Eric Vishria launch desktop browser, which works on Windows and Mac OS, in an era when the computer switch touch mobile devices. Such as quoted from Gigaom, Monday (8/11/2010).

Vishria and Howes said the reason they started the company is when the use of the website and the services used by people have changed, the browser itself hasn't changed so much. "Modern Website has evolved at one point, where the user requires a new browsing experience," said Vishria, CEO of RockMelt.

Vishria also argue that the average of the products in the browser market is the focus on minimal user experience, ease of navigation and speed. While focused by Rockmelt is about Web usability at the user; which focuses on social networking.

Vishria and Howes says that everything is about time. Thanks due to the increasing penetration of broadband, rising cloud-based services and the adoption of the mainstream of social services of Facebook and Twitter. "The browser itself need to be socialized," said Howes.

"Most people communicate with their friends and only a few to check out some of the sites. Now we make it easier for them to stay connected and informed, "said Vishria. RockMelt is integrated into Facebook, Twitter and other social networking services into the browser. At the same time, RockMelt makes it easier to add news feeds and other information sources.

RockMelt is based on Chromium (open source project behind the browser Google Chrome), requires the user to sign-in using your Facebook account. So already log-ins, users can add your favorite friends and favorite news feeds on the left side of the right of the browser.

Screenshots of RockMelt


Click here to get early access for RockMelt.

notes: RockMelt will send you the download link for the setup installer to your e-mail after a few days.

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

I've Learned

I've learned that you cannot make someone love you.
All you can do is be someone who can be loved.
The rest is up to them.
I've learned that no matter how much I care,
some people just don't care back.
And it's not the end of the world.
I've learned that it takes years to build up trust,
and only seconds to destroy it.
I've learned that it's not what you have in your life,
but who you have in your life that counts.
I've learned that you can get by on charm for about fifteen minutes.
After that, you'd better know something.

I've learned that you shouldn't compare yourself
to the best others can do,
but to the best you can do.
I've learned that it's not what happens to people,
It's what they do about it.
I've learned that no matter how thin you slice it,
there are always two sides.
I've learned that you should always leave loved ones with loving words.
It may be the last time you see them.
I've learned that you can keep going
long after you think you can't.

I've learned that heroes are the people who do what has to be done
When it needs to be done
regardless of the consequences.
I've learned that there are people who love you dearly,
but just don't know how to show it.
I've learned that sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry,
but that doesn't five me the right to be cruel.
I've learned that true friendship continues to grow even over the longest distance.
Same goes for true love.
I've learned that just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to
doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.

I've learned that no matter how good a friend is,
they're going to hurt you every once in a while
and you must forgive them for that.
I've learned that it isn't always enough to be forgiven by others.
Sometimes you have to learn to forgive yourself.
I've learned that no matter how bad your heart is broken,
the world doesn't stop for your grief.
I've learned that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are,
but we are responsible for who we become.
I've learned that just because two people argue, it doesn't mean that they don't love each other.
And just because they don't argue, it doesn't mean they do.

I've learned that sometimes you have to put the individual
ahead of their actions.
I've learned that two people can look at the exact same thing
and see something totally different.
I've learned that no matter the consequences,
those who are honest with themselves get farther in life.
I've learned that your life can be changed in a matter of hours
by people who don't even know you.
I've learned that even when you think you have no more to give,
when a friend cries out to you,
you will find the strength to help.

I've learned that writing,
as well as talking,
can ease emotional pains.
I've learned that the people you care most about in life
are taken from you too soon.
I've learned that it's hard to determine where to draw the line between being nice
and not hurting people's feelings and standing up for what you believe.
I've learned to love
and be loved.
I've learned...

Monday, 25 October 2010

Mendadak Cinta

Ayumi terkenal sebagai cewek yang doyan tampil ghotic dan cuek. teman segeng pun tahu, Ayumi paling tidak suka nonton film romantis atau mendengar lagu cinta yang mendayu-dayu. "Cheesy banget sih!", begitu ujar Ayumi. Tapi begi Azzura, gebetan Ayumi mulai sering kirim sms mesra dan menuliskan puisi berisi kata-kata sayang, Ayumi mendadak luluh.

Kita mungkin pernah mengalami kondisi yang serupa dengan kisah tersebut, di man akhirnya kita rela melakukan apapun untuk buat dia. Kalau cowok itu sudah lama kita kenal atau bahkan teman semasa kecil, mungkin wajar saja. Tapi, apa jadinya kalau kita baru kenal cewek atau cowok itu kemarin dan mendadak dia bilang cinta?

Kasus Mr.Virtual
Lagi asyik chatting, tiba-tiba ada cowok baru yang mengajak kenalan. Gara-gara penasaran, kita pun menerima tawarannya. Eh, ternyata dia asyik juga diajak ngobrol dan sangat perhatian. Tanpa disadari, kita pun saling tukar foto, hingga nomor telepon via internet. Walaupun belum pernah ketemu, rasanya kita sudah kenal seumur hidup. Sampai akhirnya dia bilang sayang.
Bahaya #1
Namanya juga dunia maya (baca: tidak nyata). Orang lain bisa dengan mudahnya berbohong atau menutupi identitas yang sebenarnya. Mulai dari latar belakang pendidikan, bentuk wajah, hingga nama asli bisa diubah seenaknya. Sebelum dibohongi, kita musti ekstra hati-hati. Soalnya banyak kejahatan yang dimulai dari kenalan via internet. Perhatian yang diberikan bisa saja hanya kedok niat jahat seperti penipuan, cyber sex, ataupun yang lainnya.

Kasus: Kenalan di bus
Layaknya cerita komik, pada suatu hari seorang cowok ganteng yang selalu naik bus yang sama bareng kita setiap harinya, mengajak kenalan. Perjalanan pun tidak lagi terasa panjang dan membosankan, tapi justru jadi momen yang dinanti. Obrolan pun bergulir sampai tiga kta sakti yang terlontar dari mulutnya.
Bahaya #2
Meskipun mirip cerita komik, belum tentu akhir ceritanya bakal sama juga. Coba deh pikir lagi dengan kepala dingin. Kita baru kenal orang tersebut sebentar, tapi kok bisa-bisanya mendadak bilang cinta? Sedikit tidak masuk akal bukan? Lagipula informasi yang kita miliki tentang dia terbatas dan belum teruji kebenarannya. Kalau tidak hati-hati dan terbuai dengan rayuannya, bukan tidak mngkin sesuatu yang buruk bisa menimpa diri kita (sepeti penculikan, pemerkosaan, bahkan hingga pembunuhan).

Kasus: Party Boy
Pesta memang tempat yang asyik buat bertemu orang baru dan berkenalan dengan mereka. Siapa tahu bisa menjadi teman. Dan malam itu, kita bertemu dia di pesta ulang tahun salah satu teman. Begitu kenal, kita langsung terpana melihat wajahnya yang cute, gaya dandan yang keren dan sikap baiknya. Alhasil, kita pun berhasil tukaran nomor telepon. Tak lama kemudian, dia sms dan kita pun saling menelpon. Anehnya, beberapa lama kemudian, dia menyatakan cinta.
Bahaya #3
Pesta kadang memang menimbulkan efek glamor. Setiap orang yang datang selaluberusaha tampil lebih "wah" dari penampilannya sehari-hari. Selain itu, suasan hati seeseorang di pesta pada umumnya lagi baik. Jadi, cowok yang keren, ganteng, dan menyenangkan yang kita temui di pesta, mungkin sosok diri yang sebenarnya, terutama dalam kehidupan sehari-hari.
Karena pernah bertemu di pesta, kita juga tidak tahu pasti tingkah lakunya atau pun hla lainnya. Bisa jadi cowok yang konon mengaku jomblo ini, ternyata sudah punya pacar. Tapi karena perbedaaan lingkungan kita jadi tidak bisa tahu banyak soal tersebut. Soalnya, kita juga tidak kenal teman ataupun keluarganya yang bisa kita tanya tentang dirinya.

Pasang Perisai
Nah, agar kita tetap bisa survive dari serangan cinta dadakan ini, coba deh:
Cari tahu lagi!
Cari informasi tentang dia sebanyak-banyaknya. Data ini bisa dipakai sebagai bahan penilaian dirinya. Walaupun dia berasal dari lingkungan yang berbeda, jangan malu untuk bertanya pada orang-orang yang disekitarnya.
Jangan buka lebar-lebar
Kita baru saja kenal dia, dan dia pun datang dari lingkungan yang berbeda. sebaiknya sih, jangan terlalu lebar membuka pintu hati kita. Kalau ternyata dia tidak sesuai dengan harapan, rasa kecewa pada diri kita pun akan berkurang.

Asli Indonesia

Indonesia adalah negeri yang kaya, baik dari segi budaya, masyarakat hingga keanekeragaman tanaman dan jenis hewannya. Bahkan ada beberapa hewan jenis tertentu yang hanya bisa ditemukan di Indonesia saja. Sayangnya, kita bukanlah negara yang mampu merawat kekayannya sendiri. Buktinya menurut data yang dimiliki World Wildlife Fund Indonesia (WWF), banyak binatang kita yang terancam punah. Mau tahu penyebabnya? Manusia, kita sebagai manusia adalah penyebab terbesar punahnya hewan-hewan berikut ini.

Gajah Sumatera (Elephas Maximus)
Diantara saudara gajah se-Asia, gajah sumatera termasuk mini. Gajah yang hobi kumpul dan jalna bareng dari satu tempat ke tempat lain ini terkenal sebagai binatang yang kuat tali persaudaraannya dan suka bergaul. Soalnya gajah memiliki kemampuan daya ingat yang kuat. Untuk kebutuhan komunikasi, gajah akan mengeluarkan suara subsonik dari pangkal belalainya dan bisa terdengar hingga 5 km jauhnya.

Gajah Sumatera terancam karena...
  • Pembabatan hutan yang dilakukan manusia. Soalnya gajah sumatera hanya bisa hidup di gunung, hutan rawa dan hutan gambut. Kalau kita terus menerus mebabat hutan, gajah sumatera pun tidak akan punya tempat tinggal lagi. Sama saja apabila rumah kita dirobohkan sehingga rata dengan tanah. Bagaimana kita akan bisa bertahan?
  • Manusia memburu gadingnya sebagai aksesori atau hiasan rumah. Mulai dari senjata api dengan peluru khusus hingga meracuni makanan, manusia melakukan berbagai macam cara untuk memburu gajah.
  • Musim kemarau yang mengeringkan sungai. Padahal, gajah sumtaera membutuhkan 50 liter air setiap harinya. Akibatnya, untuk mendapatkan air, gajah harus menggali sungai yang kering dengan kaki dan belalainya sedalam 100 meter.
Harimau Sumatera (Panthera Tigris Sumatrae)
Harimau Sumatera hanya terdapat di Indonesia. Ukurannya yang langsing membuat hewan ini mudah keluar-masuk hutan. Uniknya harimau seberat 75-140 kg ini suka sekali makan rusa, babi hutan, dan durian. Dia juga mampu berenang, karena memiliki selaput di antara jemarinya.
Harimau Sumatera terancam karena...
  • Manusia ingin mengulitinya. Kulit harimau sumatera terkenal indah dengan warna oranye, emas berloreng hitam dan berharga mahal. Manusia mengambil kulitnya untuk dijadikan karpet atau hiasan dinding. Bayangkan, untuk mendapatkan pajangan, manusia rela membunuh mahkluk tak bersalah.
  • Manusia mengubah hutan, rumah harimau, menjadi perkebunan sawit. Selain itu manusia juga menebang hutan secara massal sebagai pendukung industri kertas.
Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus)
Hobinya bergelantungan dari satu pohon ke pohon lain, membuat orangutan memilik tangan yang kuat sepanjang 2 m. Orangutan juga mampu bersuara sejauh 5 km. Kemampuan ini berguna sebagai tanda bahaya serta penandaan sebuah areal sebagai rumah mereka. Lucunya di sekitar tempat tinggal orangutan ditemukan aneka alat untuk menggaruk tubuh, senjata untuk berkelahi, bercukur, menyimpan madu maupun alat pencari makanan lainnya. Semakin mirip siapa ya?
Orangutan terancam karena...
  • Manusia semakin rajin menebang hutan. Hal ini jelas mengganggu kehidupan mereka sehingga mereka tidak lagi punya tempat tinggal.
  • Manusia memburu bayi orangutan untuk dijadikan binatang peliharaan atau diperjual belikan di pasar ilegal. Repotnya, orangutan betina tidak akan melepaskan bayinya sampai ia mati terbunuh. Selain itu, bayi orangutan yang dipaksa berpisah dari induknya, bisanya akan mati karena trauma dan stress berkepanjangan.
Badak Jawa (Rhinoceros Sondaicus)
Peneliti menjuluki badak jawa sebagai binatang pemalu dan penyendiri. Konon, berbagai penelitian mengenai badak jawa didasarkan pada kotoran dan pengamatan melalui kamera. Tidak pernah ada usaha mengukur atau menyentuh secara langsung keberadaan badak tersebut. Penduduk sekitar Ujung Kulon percaya bahwa jika mendapati jejak kaki atau kotoran dari badak jawa bisa membawa keberuntungan.
Badak Jawa terancam karena...
  • Manusia memburu culanya yang konon ampuh untuk berbagai macam penyakit. Tukang tadah siap membayarnya hingga $30,000/1kg.
  • Makin menipisnya hutan serta pelanggaran penggunaan areal Taman Nasional sebagai lahan berburu dan industri menjadi ancaman bagi keberadaan badak jawa ini.
Lakukan saat ini!
Menurut Kitab Penegakan Hukum Perdagangan Kehidupan Liar, bisnis jual-beli hewan langka bisa mencapai $10-20 juta pertahunnya. Di Indonesia saja, konon bisa mencapai Rp. 9 trilyun pertahunnya.

Beberapa cara yang bisa kita lakukan untuk menyelamatkannya adalah:
  • Tidak membeli atau mengoleksi hewan langka dari sumber manapun. Jadi kalau ada yang memberikan kamu hadiah hewan langka, sebaiknya segera tolak.
  • Tidak membeli atau menggunakan produk yang berasal dari hewan langka, baik berupa fashion atau hiasan lainnya. Banyak barang interior, aksesori, baju, hingga obat-obatan yang menggunakan bagian tertentu dari hewan langka.
  • Kurangi pemakaian kertas sekarang juga dengan cara memakai kertas bolak-balik dalam mencetak atau penggunannya. Karena industri kertas termasuk berperan besar dalam mengurangi tempat tinggal hewan langka.
Sumber: Berbagai sumber.